Names and Nature of GOD

In the Bible, there are multiple names given for

        GOD the Father

        GOD the Son – Jesus – begotten by the Father

        GOD the Holy Spirit (aka. Holy Ghost)

Being created in the image of GOD, we have the ability to FELLOWship with Him and His desire is for us the choose to FELLOWship with the Trinity. Many of Their characteristics are associated with a given name. True FELLOWship revolves around knowing “Who He is” and “What He’s done and is doing” and these names provide us with valuable insight. Throughout eternity, saints will come to know GOD better and better. But we should strive to know GOD better each and every day of our earthly life. With this in mind, we will present a few of GOD’s names, along with various attributes, in forthcoming blogs.

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