John The Saved Sinner (JTSS)

It’s NOT about me, it’s about Him – Jesus

Our current culture is a vulture. It’s trying to devour all that is good and replace it with evil. Many folks thinking, “it’s all about me”, wanting it now without regard to others fail to realize that every choice has a consequence. And a bad choice results in a bad consequence, frequently occurring a long time after the choice was made. Hence, the choice and corresponding consequence do not seem to be connected.

Also, other folks, in their selfishness, make decisions – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, … – to harm other people.

I have made numerous poor choices myself and  have been the recipient of many others’ selfish choices. Chaos and confusion always result! Will there ever be an end to this evil madness, I asked myself? At one time, I assumed that only death could terminate this vicious cycle. But this got me thinking about a fundamental question many people ask: What happens when you die?

This question led me to think about another fundamental question: What came first, the chicken or the egg? I was trained to analyze things logically, and considering the universe with its magnificent structure and order, led me think about a “divine being”, a “god” so to speak. I must admit that I was “taken” to church when I was young but thought the only “godly thing” in my life was the “fast break” of the NBA Boston Celtics on Sunday afternoon. I never believed that there would be multiple gods – if I were god I wouldn’t allow competition – so I investigated several of the “top 10” religions and settled not on a religion per se but the person of Jesus, the Son of God. Its fundament tenet is LOVE for God, others and self – in that order.

God provided an inspired owner’s manual – the Bible – and promised a life after death if one believed in Him and His Son. After much analysis and even some prayer, this satisfactorily answered my first question. The Bible indirectly answered my second question too since it contained the creation account in the book of Genesis.  Yes, I had and continue to have numerous other questions, but some were answered as I studied the Bible – His Word – and I realize that some answers that I desire are above my current “pay grade” and maybe forever.

I have come to the point in my life where I believe that the Bible, frequently called the Scriptures, is the authoritative and infallible Word of GOD. Note that I will use “GOD” to represent the God of the Bible and refer to the Scriptures constantly since there are numerous false gods, false prophets, and false teachers. Everyone believes something, and I stake my life – temporal and eternal – on the Bible and the Holy Spirt that GOD the Father sent to guide and comfort mankind when Jesus, His Son, after His death (crucifixion) and resurrection, ascended to Heaven. What do you believe in?

In the Bible, when someone believes in GOD and His Son, they are said to be “Born Again”, that is born spiritually. Hence, as you will see, my interest is in three (3) potential periods in one’s life:

  1. Pre-Born Again
  2. Born Again
  3. Post-Born Again

Hoping to get to fellowship with you in Heaven, I am

                                    John, the saved sinner (saint) – JTSS

PS: My goal is to get the “l” out of the world so that only the WORD remains!